Join the Choir

The Seraphim & Cherubim Chorus (S&C) is looking for singers who NEED more music in their lives! Our wide musical range includes classical polyphony to jazz standards, Broadway hits, classic rock and modern pop. If you can sing and read music, click the link below and get started.


Commitment to the S&C is on a per concert series basis. Once a member, choristers have the option of opting in or out of any concert series without the need to re-audition. We begin rehearsals 5 to 7 weeks in advance of a given series.

Because our rehearsal schedule is condensed, choristers are expected to attend rehearsals having already familiarized themselves with the music to be performed that day. We have an audition process. DON’T PANIC! It’s very relaxed. We want to get to know you make sure you are prepared for the expectations and pace of our choir, so that the overall experience is an enjoyably fun and positive one!